The STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) career community unites a diverse group of career paths and opportunities, all of which interact with the themes of problem-solving and scientific inquiry. Students in this community will engage with peers, alums, industry experts, and career specialists who value systems-thinking and attention to detail, identifying problems across the globe, and working toward solutions that leverage technology to meet the needs of our ever-changing society.
Janelia Undergraduate Scholars are among the very best future scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who are interested in exploring basic neuroscience, imaging technology, and related fields of research at Janelia. Since its inception in 2007, 90 students have participated in the summer program and 9 of them have gone on to join the Janelia Graduate Program.
MentorNet - E-mentoring network particularly for women and others underrepresented in engineering, science, and mathematics. Offers one-on-one mentoring programs and a rich resume database.
National Institutes of Health is made up of a network of centers and institutes, each of which has its own specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems. - Magazine of the Society for Science & the Public
American Institute of Biological Sciences - Dedicated to advancing biological research and education for the welfare of society. Visit the AIBS Careers in Biology page for helpful advice, resources and links for those considering a career in Biology.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) - Nonprofit scientific and educational organization. Most members teach and conduct research at colleges and universities; others conduct research in various government laboratories, nonprofit research institutions and industry.
Society for Conservation Biology - An international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. Includes job postings.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) - Nonprofit scientific and educational organization. Most members teach and conduct research at colleges and universities; others conduct research in various government laboratories, nonprofit research institutions and industry.
WWW Chemistry Guide - Collection of resources for professional chemists, including links to major job sites.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Careers - Search job listings, explore EPA careers in Science, Legal, Grads & Post-docs, and info about student internships. - Advocates for environmental science education and employment. Written by environmentalists for environmentalists.
American Geological Institute - Information, education, public policy, environmental geoscience, publications, workforce, events and more.
Association for Women Geoscientists - International organization devoted to enhancing the quality and level of participation of women in geosciences and to introduce girls and young women to geoscience careers. Offers student scholarships and career profiles.
GIS Jobs - Job postings and salary survey reports for Geographic Information Systems professionals.
U.S. Geological Survey - Paid internship opportunities for undergraduates, a Recent Graduate Program, and the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program.
Marine Science - MarineBio's mission is to share the wonders of the ocean to inspire education, research and a sea ethic. will introduce you to a wide range of marine career fields and to people working in those fields. In addition, it will give those men and women a chance to tell you what they like and dislike about their careers, what they see for the future in their fields, and much more. This site also provides you with some experts' views on what the future holds for marine science careers.
American Physical Society - Journals, research, publications, and Careers in Physics gateway for physicists, students, and physics enthusiasts to information about physics jobs and careers.
Physics News - The latest physics, technology and nanotechnology news.
All Tech Is Human brings together people, organizations, and ideas to grow and strengthen the responsible-tech ecosystem. It also has a great job board for careers in responsible tech.
Women Who Code Our mission is to inspire women to excel in technology careers.
Women in Technology International An organization committed to advancing women's career develop by providing access to a network of professional women across all sectors of technology
Biotechnology - The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is the world's largest biotechnology organization. The mission of BIO is to be the champion of biotechnology and the advocate for its member organizations - both large and small. - BioSpace is a leading online community for industry news and careers for life science professionals.
Janelia Undergraduate Scholars are among the very best future scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who are interested in exploring basic neuroscience, imaging technology, and related fields of research at Janelia. Since its inception in 2007, 90 students have participated in the summer program and 9 of them have gone on to join the Janelia Graduate Program. - International directory of pharmaceutical employers.
Smith College Computer Science Career Network - Powered by AfterCollege, the Career Network is a free resource that features relevant jobs and internships from employers specifically interested in reaching Smith students and alumni.
Janelia Undergraduate Scholars are among the very best future scientists, engineers, and mathematicians who are interested in exploring basic neuroscience, imaging technology, and related fields of research at Janelia. Since its inception in 2007, 90 students have participated in the summer program and 9 of them have gone on to join the Janelia Graduate Program.
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) - Offers valuable information about the field including upcoming conferences, PE license requirements, links to national engineering organizations, listings of professional private practice engineers and a job board. National Society of Black Engineers -The mission of the National Society of Black Engineers is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black Engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community."
American Economics Association (AEA) Careers in Economics- This brief educational video will be of interest to students who are evaluating career options in economics or may have wondered what types of professionals utilize economics in various fields.
Association for Women in Mathematics encourages women and girls to study and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and promotes equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences. Visit the Careers Resources page for readings, resources, helpful links and job listings.
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) - Membership, publications, professional development, meetings, organization, competitions and funding resources. Visit the Careers page for career profiles, career statistics, jobs in applied mathematics, and other information.
Smith is among a cohort of women’s colleges who recently received a grant from NASA to establish a program called Math Resilient Students (or MaRS for short).
Under the program, junior and senior STEM students at Smith will mentor first-years and sophomores, along with kindergarten through eighth-grade girls at local schools to develop match activities.